Atsuo Kuniba
Recent talks

(A prologue to) A strange five vertex model and multispecies ASEP on a ring
Discrete Integrable Systems: difference equations, cluster algebras and probabilistic models (1 Novembr 2024, Bengaluru, India)
A strange five vertex model and multispecies ASEP on a ring
Recent progress on Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universaility (27 September 2024, YITP, Kyoto, Japan)
Solutions of tetrahedron and 3D reflection equations from quantum cluster algebras
Recent Advance in Quantum Integrable Systems (RAQIS) 2024 (3 September 2024, Annecy, France)
Mathematical Physics Seminar (9 September 2024, Saclay, France)
Solving tetrahedron and 3D reflection equations by quantum cluster algebras
Mathematics and Physics of Integrability (3 July 2024, Creswick Australia)
Tetrahedron and 3D reflection equations in integrable systems and quantum cluster algebras
Eastern Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics (22 May 2024, Online)
Tetrahedron and 3D reflection equations from quantum cluster algebras
Lagrangian Multiform Theory and Pluri-Lagrangian Systems (24 October 2023, BIRS workshop, Hangzhou, China)
Solutions to the tetrahedron and 3D reflection equations from quantum cluster algebras
Representation theory, Integrable Systems and Related Topics (31 July 2023, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, China)
New solutions to the tetrahedron equation associated with quantized six-vertex models
Mathematical Science Institute Colloquium (30 March 2023, ANU, Canberra, Australia)
New solutions to the tetrahedron equation associated with quantized six-vertex models
Integrable systems, exactly solvable models and algebras (3 October 2022, CRM, Montreal, Canada, Online talk)
New solutions to the tetrahedron equation associated with quantized six-vertex models
Integrability, combinatorics and representation theory, MATRIX/RIMS tandem workshop (30 September 2022, RIMS, Kyoto University)
Randomized box-ball systems: density plateaux, current correlations and large deviations
Workshop on box-ball systems from integrable systems and probabilistic perspectives (23 September 2022, CRM, Montreal, Canada, Online talk)
Integrability of box-ball systems: crystals, Bethe ansatz and ultradiscretization
Workshop on box-ball systems from integrable systems and probabilistic perspectives (22 September 2022, CRM, Montreal, Canada, Online talk)
30 years of box-ball systems,
Rikkyo MathPhys 2022 (8 January 2022, Rikkyo University, Online)
On B, C and F4 analogues of the tetrahedron equation,
Combinatorial Representation Theory and Connections with Related Fields (19 October 2021, RIMS, Kyoto University, Online)
Generalized hydrodynamics of the box-ball system
量子物理学・ナノサイエンスセミナー (15 June 2021, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Generalized hydrodynamics for box-ball system
The Asia-Pacific Integrable Online Seminars (3 September 2020)
Generalized hydrodynamics in box-ball system
High Energy Physics Seminar (12 March 2020, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden)
Generalized hydrodynamics in box-ball system
Baxter2020: Frontiers in Integrability (11 February 2020, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)
Randomized box-ball systems, limit shape of soliton distributions and thermodynamic Bethe ansatz,
Mathematical Physics Seminar (18 November 2019, IPhT Saclay, France)
Randomized box-ball systems, limit shape of soliton distributions and thermodynamic Bethe ansatz
Recent Progress in Mathematical and Statistical Physics, College de France - Tokyo College Joint Workshop (30 October 2019, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Aspects of reflection equations
Rikkyo MathPhys 2019 (13 January 2019, Rikkyo University, Japan)
Matrix product solutions to the reflection equation from three dimensional integrability
Mathematical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting (24 September 2018, Okayama University, Japan)
Aspects of stationary states in multispecies exclusion and zero range processes
Integrable probability Boston 2018 (14 May 2018, MIT, Boston, USA)
Matrix Products & Matrix Program
Non-equilibrium systems and special functions (15 January 2018, University of Melbourne, Creswick, Australia)
Tetrahedron equation, 3D reflection equation and generalized quantum groups
OIST Mini Symposium "New development in Teichmuller space theory (30 November 2017, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Tetrahedron equation, 3D reflection equation and generalized quantum groups
Combinatorics, statistical mechanics, and conformal field theory (3 November 2017, University of Melbourne, Creswick)
Density and current profiles in Uq(A^{(1)}_2) zero range process
Integrability in low-dimensional quantum systems (13 July 2017, University of Melbourne, Creswick)
Matrix products in integrable probability
Mathematical Society of Japan Spring Meeting 2017 (27 March 2017, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Integrable Markov process, matrix products and tetrahedron equation
Mathematics seminar (17 October 2016, Tohoku University)
Tetrahedron equation and matrix product method
Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems (Aug 2016, Geneva, Switzerland)
Multispecies TASEP and the tetrahedron equation
Baxter2015:Exactly solved models and Beyond (July 2015, Palm Cove, Australia)
Combinatorial Bethe ansatz and ultradiscrete integrable systems
XVIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics (July-August 2015, Santiago, Chile)
Tetrahedron equation and generalized quantum groups
Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2015 (June 2015, Gallipoli, Italy)
Toward 3D integrability from quantum groups
Kavli Institute IPMU MS seminar (February 2015, IPMU, Tokyo)
Tetrahedron equation and its generalization from quantum groups
Japan-Hungary Joint Research Project Workshop (Septmber 2014, Kyoto)
Tetrahedron equation and quantum R matrices for q-oscillator representations
The 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (July 2014, Ghent, Belgium)
Physical mathematics of Bethe ansatz
XXVIUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics (July 2013, Seoul, Korea)
Toward 3D integrability from quantum group
Journal of Physics A: Editorial Board meeting (April 2013, London, UK)
Tetrahedron and 3D reflection equations from quantized algebra of functions
The 29th International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics (August 2012, Tianjin, China)
Aspects of T-systems and Y-systems
Komaba Elementary Particle Group Seminar (May 20 2010, Univ. Tokyo)
Review on Box-Ball Systems (Original title: Combinatorial Bethe Ansatz)
Mathematical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting 2007 (21 September 2007, Tohoku University)